Let’s not state obvious mainstream webs like StackOverflow, W3Schools, etc. Here are some interesting pages and blogs about programming, Linux, technologies plus some not so well known media.


Practise your coding skills. Plenty of programming kata for various languages.
Bryan Lunduke’s web Journal. See more in his about.
Blockchain based alternative to YouTube. Decentralized, content freedom, no censorship, no DRM, custom cryptocurrency sytem.
Literate Java
Insights into java coding, OO design & architecture. Seems dead now but there are still some posts worth reading.
Coding Horror
Jeff Atwood’s Blog - One of the StackOverflow founders. Nice insights about (not only) software development.
Sandi Metz
This blog looks dead but contains several interesting articles about OO design and clean code.
Pragmatists Blog
Blog of one software house. They look pretty cool based on the company presentation.
Academind Youtube Channel
Channel full of mostly frontend development tutorials.

Czech Sites

SoftWare Samuraj
One of Czech senior developers whose blogpsts I find inspiring.
Banter bloguje
Blog mostly about software engineering
Roman Ožana’s blog. Mostly brief code snippets and short articles. Me likes!