Don’t hate HATEOAS

A brief intro to HATEOAS
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Reading Command Line Arguments in NodeJS

Accessing command line arguments in NodeJS is easy. For simple applications, access the process.argv array directly. For more sophisticated ones, use one of argument parsers.
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Nested Classes in Java

I have recently tried one Java quiz and there was a question about class nesting. I didn’t answer correclty since I hardly ever use this language feature and when use nested classes, I use them intuitively. Let’s refresh this piece of knowledge and add some remarks.
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Hello Docker

How to dockerize a simple NodeJS app
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Use q For High IQ

"q" is a nifty command line tool if you would like to do some text file processing and lookups. So what is it? Basically SQL for csv/tsv (and other tabelated) files. It supports most of the basic queries and also allows to perform them over multiple files (supports joining). How does it work? You can imagine a file with tabelated data as a single table of a database. Just type in the command prompt:
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